Available the book of the Emili Garolera Forestry Technical Workshops 2024

16 July 2024

This 41st edition has underlined the importance of forest management as an integral tool for the resilience of forests to climate change and fires, promoting biodiversity and economic sustainability.

The publication of the book that compiles the 41st Emili Garolera Forestry Technical Workshops represents the culmination of an intense knowledge transfer process in forest management. Organized by the Consorci Forestal de Catalunya (CFC) with the support of the Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC), these conferences have established themselves as a key meeting point for professionals in the sector, researchers, and forest managers interested in the latest innovations and sustainable practices.

During its 41st edition, the conference addressed a range of current and relevant topics for forest management in Catalonia. From post-fire management, through water conservation and the implementation of climate credits, to purely silvicultural issues such as selective thinning and truffle cultivation, the sessions provided a forum for discussion and knowledge sharing among professionals in the sector.

The book now published compiles the work presented during the conference, providing a valuable resource for those interested in learning more about the topics discussed. Through this compilation, readers can access detailed information on the most innovative practices in forest management, emerging challenges such as climate change and forest fires, and strategies to improve biodiversity and the resilience of forest ecosystems.

“The conference has not only served to showcase research, advanced studies, and case studies but also to share experiences of forest managers and forest owners. This exchange has enriched the content of the conference, providing a complete overview of current forest management practices in Catalonia,” explains Eduard Busquets, technician of the Sustainable Forest Management group at the CTFC, one of the authors of the book and co-organizer of the 41st Emili Garolera Forestry Technical Workshops.

With a strong commitment to sustainability and forest conservation, the conference highlighted the importance of forest management as a tool to ensure healthy landscapes, biodiversity conservation, and the continuity of ecosystem services.

The publication of the book serves not only as a compilation of this year’s meetings but also as an essential guide for professionals in the sector who seek to delve into the latest innovations and best practices in the management of forest resources in Catalonia.

Last modified: 16 July 2024