Bioeconomy, health and governanceLandscape dynamics and biodiversityMultifunctional forest managementNews |

18 October 2024

The event brought together young researchers to foster collaboration and address the challenges of forest management and sustainability. On October 17 and 18, 2024, the Forest...

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Forest fires and other disturbancesMultifunctional forest managementNewsResilient landscapes |

15 October 2024

Over three days, the FIRE-RES project, coordinated by the Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC), brought together key stakeholders in Bordeaux and Mimizan to...

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Forest fires and other disturbancesForests and waterMultifunctional forest managementNews |

12 September 2024

Forest management aimed at reducing wildfire risk also promotes the resilience of forests to other disturbances A study published in Ecological Applications shows that forest...

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BiodiversityLandscape dynamics and biodiversityNews |

4 September 2024

Bats are a key part of ecosystems, as they play a fundamental role in controlling insect populations, plant pollination, and seed dispersal. They are also important indicators of...

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BiodiversityLandscape dynamics and biodiversityNews |

27 August 2024

The study will evaluate the effects of the influx of people in the Parc Natural dels Ports (Tarragona), the Parc Natural del Montseny (Barcelona and Girona), the Espai Natural...

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BiodiversityBioeconomy, health and governanceNews |

8 August 2024

Food supplementation with Reishi and Shiitake mushrooms extracts shows potential to improve bee health and ensure their survival. Four years have passed since the start of the...

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Bioeconomy, health and governanceNews |

6 August 2024

Andreu Meijer Mora, researcher of the Forest Health group of the Center of Forest Science and Technology of Catalonia (CTFC) has defended his thesis entitled “Chestnut tree...

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BiodiversityLandscape dynamics and biodiversityNews |

5 August 2024

The alcathoe whiskered bat is an endangered species that inhabits mature forests. In the first week of August, a team of researchers from the Forest Science and Technology Centre...

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Multifunctional forest managementNews |

30 July 2024

Brown spot needle blight which affects pine trees and can compromise their growth has been detected for the first time in Catalonia by a CTFC researcher. The Department of Climate...

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