Landscape dynamics and biodiversity

BiodiversityLandscape dynamics and biodiversityNews |

11 July 2024

PyrVisión is an artificial intelligence model developed by the CTFC and the CVC that automatically detects up to 17 animal species According to the latest State of Nature 2020...

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Bioeconomy, health and governanceLandscape dynamics and biodiversityMultifunctional forest managementNews |

20 May 2024

Agrotecnio and CTFC, the two CERCA centres of the province of Lleida working in the field of agri-food, forest sciences and environment have obtained the maximum qualification in...

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Landscape dynamics and biodiversityMultifunctional forest managementNews |

4 April 2024

The REFORADAPT project (Compilation of success stories in forest restoration and adaptation in Spain), led by a CTFC research team, is funded by the Biodiversity Foundation of the...

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Landscape dynamics and biodiversityNews |

22 March 2024

The challenge of managing forests amidst global changes requires holistic approaches, yet existing decision support tools are often limited to specific tasks. While forest...

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BiodiversityLandscape dynamics and biodiversityNews |

7 March 2024

On Wednesday, March 6, the technical conference “Application of new technologies for biodiversity monitoring and management” was held at the Center for Forest Science...

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Forest fires and other disturbancesLandscape dynamics and biodiversityNews |

5 March 2024

Between 26 and 28 February, the Office of Science and Technology of the Congress, known as Office C, presented in the Lower Chamber six new reports of scientific evidence that...

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BiodiversityLandscape dynamics and biodiversityNews |

18 January 2024

A study reveals how changing agricultural practices and increasing the area devoted to fallow can help preserve the populations of this species seriously threatened by human...

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BiodiversityLandscape dynamics and biodiversityNews |

20 December 2023

The applications developed in this thesis allow to improve conservation planning in a practical way José Salgado, PhD student of the Environmental Decision-Making group of the...

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BiodiversityLandscape dynamics and biodiversityNews |

30 October 2023

The program, which is carried out in collaboration between the CTFC and Endesa, studies the behavior of bats and proposes improvement measures to favor their conservation in...

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