IMFOREST: new project to promote the bioeconomy and sustainability of non-timber forest products

12 June 2024

The presentation of IMFOREST took place at La Pedrera where other initiatives that will promote forest bioeconomy were presented

On June 6, 15 new projects that will promote the Forest Bioeconomy, including IMFOREST, were presented at La Pedrera (Barcelona) in an event organized by the Biodiversity Foundation, the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) and the Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation.

Marta Rovira, representative of the Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC), presented the objectives and actions that will be developed within the framework of IMFOREST. This ambitious project aims to promote forest bioeconomy and the sustainable management of non-timber forest products (PFNM), thus diversifying sources of income in rural areas through the responsible use of forest resources. “The project seeks to promote innovation in key sectors of the green economy, contributing to sustainable rural development and job creation,” said Rovira during her presentation.

Representants del MITECO, de la Fundació Biodiversitat i del CTFC

Throughout its execution, which will extend until December 2025, IMFOREST expects to benefit more than 800 people, with special emphasis on young people, women and people over 45 in rural areas. Collaboration between various entities and the pooling of objectives and strategies ensure that IMFOREST will have a significant impact on job creation, rural development and the promotion of sustainable practices.

The partners that are part of this initiative are the CTFC, coordinating partner, the Foundation Center for Forest Services and Promotion and its Industry of Castilla y León (CESEFOR), the Confederation of Selviculturists Organizations of Spain (CUS), the Institute of Forest Sciences of INIA-CSIC and the Spanish Association for Forest Sustainability (PEFC SPAIN).

The event was an excellent opportunity to get to know a variety of initiatives and establish connections among them. These projects are essential for promoting rural development, sustainability and the green economy.

The event concluded with a networking session, where participants were able to exchange experiences and explore new opportunities for collaboration. This interaction is key to identifying synergy points and strengthening the relationships between the different projects presented, ensuring a cohesive and collaborative approach.

IMFOREST is supported by the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR), funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU.

Last modified: 11 June 2024