
BiodiversityLandscape dynamics and biodiversityNews |

30 October 2023

The program, which is carried out in collaboration between the CTFC and Endesa, studies the behavior of bats and proposes improvement measures to favor their conservation in...

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Bioeconomy, health and governanceDisseminationForests and waterMultifunctional forest managementNews |

27 October 2023

The fourth edition of the Research School on Forest Ecology and Management, a joint initiative of Agrotecnio and the Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC)...

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BiodiversityLandscape dynamics and biodiversityNews |

24 October 2023

What different types of leaves can tell us about our forests Knowing how much carbon broadleaf evergreen trees store compared to their low numbers shows that they are worth...

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Bioeconomy, health and governanceBioproductsNews |

10 October 2023

The CTFC participates in the project, which aims to prepare the ground for a novel game-changing, and fully renewable process combining concentrated solar power and biomass...

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BiodiversityForest scenariosLandscape dynamics and biodiversityNews |

5 October 2023

The new tool is created to help democratize the design of biodiversity conservation strategies. According to the latest IPBES global report, one in four species (for which data is...

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BiodiversityLandscape dynamics and biodiversityNews |

29 September 2023

The developed tools demonstrate excellent applicability in the assessment of complex spatial environmental problems. Forest ecosystems provide numerous goods, services, and...

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Bioeconomy, health and governanceNews |

26 September 2023

A unique EFI science-policy study assesses how national and regional policies meet the goals of the EU Forest Strategy and presents nine policy recommendations to aid the...

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BiodiversityLandscape dynamics and biodiversityNews |

22 September 2023

A recorder has been installed in one of the tunnels of the hydroelectric power station to record the activity of the bats and thus evaluate their use of the tunnel throughout the...

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BiodiversityLandscape dynamics and biodiversityNews |

20 September 2023

The study concludes that landscape and management have different effects on different species. Therefore, conservation measures must have well-defined objectives and planning. In...

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