The challenges of Mediterranean forest management research towards 2030

7 December 2022

CTFC staff participate in the preparation and presentation of the MFRA 2030

The Mediterranean Forest Research Agenda 2030 was released within the frame of the EFI Mediterranean Network Forum, held in Barcelona from November 29th to December 1st. After a decade of the Mediterranean Forest Research Agenda 2011-2020 (MFRA 2020), the research and innovation community has advanced in related fields, but also new challenges have emerged linked to climate and social changes. These new obstacles have set the foundations for revisited R+I priorities, to shape the forest management practices required for achieving Mediterranean forest resilience. The state of the art in four related fields have been deeply analyzed in respective commissioned scientific articles, noticing the progress achieved while also identifying critical gaps and emerging needs. These analyses have set the basis for the forthcoming priority themes, key related research questions, and suggested research approaches, which are reflected in the MFRA 2030. These topics are:

  • Forest resilience in a context of global change related forest disturbances
  • Conservation and management of biodiversity and forest genetic resources
  • Forest management addressing trade-offs and synergies between multiple ecosystem services
  • Social and business innovation and policy instruments supporting the Mediterranean forest-based bioeconomy

EFIMED will advocate for operationalizing such research needs and will work towards facilitating access to funding opportunities to cover future projects along these lines.

The CTFC has directly participated in one of these thematic reviews, with several members also engaging in the consultation process back in 2020 and in online workshops in November 2022. This work additionally serves the purpose of the recently started Horizon Europe project EUFORE, through which a European forest R+I agenda is to be developed for facilitating the targeted transitions based on critical policy fields – i.a. Bioeconomy, Biodiversity, Clean Energy –, but also based on the societal demands and trends. The CTFC will be leading the analysis of policies affecting the future of European forests, while also contributing to the stakeholder engagement framework within the project.


Bou Dagher-Kharrat, M., de Arano, I. M., Zeki-Bašken, E., Feder, S., Adams, S., Briers, S., Fady, B., Lefèvre, F., Górriz-Mifsud, E., Mauri, E., Mavsar, R., Muys, B., Nocentini, S., Pettenella, D., Peñuelas, J., Sardans, J., Secco, L., Travaglini, D., Tripodi, G., Wunder, S., Bozzano, M. 2022. Mediterranean Forest Research Agenda 2030. European Forest Institute. 36 pp.

Last modified: 7 December 2022