The Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC), together with FOREST EUROPE, the European Forest Institute, and the Pau Costa Foundation, has co-organized a workshop...
Over three decades of data are analyzed to determine the effect of climate teleconnections on wildfires and burned area in different regions of the planet. Climate...
On January 25th and 26th, 15 European and 9 Latin American organizations held the first virtual meeting of FIRE-ADAPT to take the first steps and define the initial actions of...
The Mediterranean is one of the endangered areas, after tropical biomes Global warming may extend the season for major forest fires on all continents by at least 30 days in the...
The simulations of resistance to droughts and fires carried out by the researchers include real data of the forest structure at the tree and undergrowth scale. The burning of...
Last week CTFC hosted the JRU CTFC-Agrotecnio 3rd Research School on Forest Ecology and Management The Research School aimed at improving PhD’s skills in scientific...
The CWI is a community to discuss the necessary innovations in the field of future forest fires in Catalonia and establish the roadmap for the coming years The FIRE-RES project...
The research examines how fires cause a change in soil microbial communities, which play a fundamental role in the carbon and nutrient cycles of forests A study carried out by...
A team from CTFC, CREAF and INBio-CIBIO of the University of Santiago de Compostela warn that the massive reforestation proposed by the European Union in the Green Deal should be...