
Multifunctional forest managementNews |

5 February 2024

A Europe-wide study reveals how cold winters protect plants from pathogens The last week of January has seen exceptionally high temperatures in Catalonia, with thermometers...

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5 February 2024

News |

31 January 2024

Clear-cutting trees is a practice as old as civilisation and has an obvious effect on forest stands. Much less well known is the effect this practice has on life below ground, on...

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BiodiversityLandscape dynamics and biodiversityNews |

18 January 2024

A study reveals how changing agricultural practices and increasing the area devoted to fallow can help preserve the populations of this species seriously threatened by human...

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BiodiversityLandscape dynamics and biodiversityNews |

20 December 2023

The applications developed in this thesis allow to improve conservation planning in a practical way José Salgado, PhD student of the Environmental Decision-Making group of the...

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Forest fires and other disturbancesNewsResilient landscapes |

1 December 2023

New network launched at a reception attended by His Majesty King Charles III, ahead of COP28 in Dubai, UAE.   The new initiative led by the Circular Bioeconomy Alliance and...

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Bioeconomy, health and governanceForest fires and other disturbancesMultifunctional forest managementNewsResilient landscapes |

29 November 2023

The conferences have been developed within the framework of the Technical Conferences of the Annual Technology Transfer Plan (PATT) of the DAAC The Forestry Science and Technology...

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Forest fires and other disturbancesMultifunctional forest managementNews |

8 November 2023

A study led by the CTFC, the UdL and the Joint Research Unit CTFC-Agrotecnio-CERCA analyses the regeneration of 268 forest fires over almost three decades. The duration of a...

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Forest fires and other disturbancesMultifunctional forest managementNewsResilient landscapes |

2 November 2023

Professionals and entities from the agricultural and forestry sectors have participated in a workshop to share, discuss, and provide solutions to the challenges that climate...

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Bioeconomy, health and governanceNews |

31 October 2023

The BIG4LIFE project will work on eight green roofs and facades of buildings in Lleida and Barcelona applying the xeriscaping concept, which optimizes the use of water in these...

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