The Forestry Science and Technology Center of Catalonia (CTFC) participates in the project TANFORLOC, led by Leather Química (a company dedicated to the production, marketing and...
Jonàs Oliva, CTFC and UdL researcher, has participated in an international research project that studies the interactive effect of drought and pathogenic infection on the...
The project aims to obtain a range of high added value products from lignocellulosic biomass and contribute to the development of biorefineries in Catalonia and Spain. The...
The Mediterranean is one of the endangered areas, after tropical biomes Global warming may extend the season for major forest fires on all continents by at least 30 days in the...
The project’s consortium will design portfolios of adapted management solutions and innovative bioeconomic and governance models to enhance the resilience of tomorrow’s...
Over eighty people participated in the closing days of the LIFE ALNUS project held at the CTFC LIFE ALNUS has carried out actions for the ecological restoration of rivers and...
An article published in Forest Ecology and Management analyses the historical evolution of forest management in Spain since the 1940s The trends, studied using 11...
22 new schemes for the conservation of birds in agricultural environments in Europe Birds@Farmland, an initiative of the European Commission with the aim of helping member...
CTFC staff participate in the preparation and presentation of the MFRA 2030 The Mediterranean Forest Research Agenda 2030 was released within the frame of the EFI Mediterranean...